Something to consider before you buy a new home or a new car are what exactly is this going to cost over 10 years or more that you are living in your home. Shrinking those electric bills, and gasoline costs for your commute to work isn't always the first thing on a persons mind when thinking about living close to their job or buying to much home and spending the additional cost on the utilities over time. But lets just say you are thinking about a home in the NorthEast Heights for around $190,000.00 but you will have to commute to work to for example the Industies around Central and Coors or you can buy a NorthWest Heights for $190,000 much closer to work but 500 sqft larger than the same home in the Northeast Heights for the same price. The two variables you cannot control is the price of the cost of the gasoline to get to work or the fluctuation in costs to heat, cool and light the larger home in the Northwest Heights, is it exactly a trade off? Maybe, maybe not; driving the kids around town, your spouse's job, where you shop and where you go for entertainment can all play a factor.
So what is the right answer? There isn't one because each of these factors has to be considered by each individual.
My Answer: Buy the home in the Northwest Heights closer to your job, but buy a home 500 square feet less than the $190,000 home as you were getting in the Northwest Heights as you were in the Northeast Heights for around $51,000 less (1 sqft = average price of $103 per squarefoot). or roughly $140,000 and reap the rewards of the lower mortgage payment, cost of utilies, and pain at the pump!
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