My personal opinion about the 2008 housing market slowdown is also do to the presidential election, with the uncertain direction this country might be going customers seem to be holding off making a decision on such a large purchase which is not a good sign for home sellers or home builders. I understand it is not foremost concern, but it is a factor.
We all have concerns about the current economy, but the true reality is the mortgage interest rates are extremely low, even if you are not considering buying a home refinancing into a fixed 15 or 30 year mortgage can save you 1000's of dollars monthly. You can play around with the mortgage calculators on and determine if this would be a good savings for you.
Call AnaLisa Cordoba at CW Mortgage (505) 379-8722 to see what interest rate you could refinance to today and enter it into one of the 5 mortgage calculators.
But if you are thinking about buying a home call me and I can help you decide if buying a home right now is the proper decision for you. With home prices falling and interest rates low; now is the time to buy a home (I just did in December and sold my old one in 37 days!). Think about it with this example:
Would you go into the Department Store the day after the sale ended, when all the stock has been picked over like during christmas & then charge it on your credit card when they just raised your rate by 10%? No, so you shouldn't buy a house that way either!
Buy houses while they are on sale not when they are going up $10,000 every month like they were last January!
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