Monday, June 19, 2006

Marketing Your New Mexico Home.

So, you have decided to sell your home. Should you sell it yourself or find a Realtor?

Selling your own home has several advantages, saving money on the listing commission and knowing who is coming into your home. But several disadvantages such as time, doing open houses, making yourself available to show. Cost of signs, advertising and other marketing, and possibly the expense of a real estate attorney. Do you really save all the money on the listing commission not really general "For Sale by Owner Buyers" bid well under the asking price, knowing you are not going to be paying a commission.

Discount Brokers are another option that will for a fee put your listing into a multiple listing service or discount a portion of their commission. From my experience you see alot of expired listings after the 90 contract or even six month contract expires because putting your home in the MLS system does not mean it will automatically sell. Why? although agents are required by law to show all potential buyers all potential properties for sale the properties that will get shown first are those that pay the agent the highest commission. Alot of discount brokers who take a listing just to get the listing try to pass on this lowered commission to the buyers agent. So in reality if there are 30 houses currently to show on the market, the listing paying the highest commission to the agent are going to be shown first.

Even Full Service Brokers can vary the amounts of products and services they offer, the more marketing and advertising the more chances to have multiple buyers and most important multiple offers. Take for example the for sale by owner that only places there sign in front of their home but does not advertise in any other way. The buyer must happen to pass buy that street, must actually stop to see the home, then decide to buy. This does not allow the buyer across town, across the state, or the country the ability to even know the home was for sale. On average we personally have been averaging $18,000 above the regular asking price of the home because we market aggressively.

However you decide to sell your home, the process should be profitable, painless, and easy.

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