Have you been thinking about selling your home and moving into a bigger one but are concerned about the mortgage industry and temporary housing crisis?
Consider that a rising tide raises all ships! If you stay in your current home that is valued at $200,000.00 vrs buying that home with the extra bedroom you need or 10miles closer to work at $300,000.00 when the overall Albuquerque real estate market increases say by just 10% as it did a few years ago the difference in apreciation would be $10,000 and with gas approaching $4.00 a gallon that extra 10 miles to work adds up to an additional savings per year of $650.00 (based on average mileage of 20m to gallon 10miles each way. That's an extra $10,650.00! Say that $300,000.00 home drops 10% over the next few years it doesn't matter if your not interested in selling? The Albuquerque real estate market has traditionally increased in value over a long period of time, just as the stock market has for the last 163 years.
Abaris Team believes in helping you make wise financial decisions that will help you and your family achieve your investment goals. Thats why we would not represent clients that chose unscrupulous lenders with questionable business practices. That is why our clients are not worried about making a mortgage payment next month because we would not push you into a home or mortgage payment you could not afford. Generally our rule of thumb is to try to find the cheapest house that fits your needs and go up in price if it is not to your standards other than showing you the home you can barely afford and go down.
With the increase of REO bank,VA, and HUD and forclosures there will be real bargains out their and sell your house for $190,000.00 rather than $200,000.00 now, and get the extra bedroom/space you need rather than wait for the market to turn around.
In the mean time you can save big at our http://www.SellYourHouseNewMexico.com partner Overstock.com:
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